Challenges and Governance of Hydropower Sector in Mongolia


This paper is about challenges and governance issues for building a hydropower station in Mongolia. Even though Mongolia is attempting to build a hydropower station for a long time, it has been not successful because of several reasons including extreme climate, conflicting interest between politicians and ineffective state-centered policies. Thus, this paper tried to analyze these issues and to introduce some solutions to solve.

Шинэ Зеланд орноор #4

"Киви" нарын тухайд

Үндэстний онцлог (national identity) гэдэг бол тухайн орны иргэдийн бусадтай харьцуулсан онцлог чанарууд, өвөрмөц байдал. Мэдээж тухайн орны бүх хүнийг нийтэд нь "тийм" гээд тодорхойлчих боломжгүй гэдэг нь ойлгомжтой байх. Нэг талаасаа энэ нь байнга тогтвортой байдаг, байх ёстой зүйл биш. "Nz Herald" сонинд бичсэн 2014 оны судалгаагаар Шинэ Зеландуудын өөрсдийгөө тодорхойлдог хамгийн чухал чанарууд нь 1-т нөхөрсөг, 2-т "чадна" гэсэн хандлага, 3-т бардам зан гэсэн байна. 

Book Review: The Encountering Development

Өнгөрсөн жил хийсэн бас нэг даалгавараа блог дээрээ байрлуулж байгаа юм. Та бүхэнд хэрэг болж юуны магад л гэж...

Book Review: The Encountering Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World by Arturo Escobar

In this review, I will discuss the key points from Escobar’s The Encountering Development and the strengths and weaknesses of the book. 

The author started his book with a quote from US President Truman’s inaugural speech in 1949, which is about his policy called a ‘fair deal’. According to Truman’s speech, there are many countries in difficult situations in terms of economic development. Thus, the West should play an active role in the development of third world countries through capital, science and technology. Truman’s speech was one of the examples of hegemonic policies of Western countries. In the last few decades, the West has influenced many of the third world countries through this kind of policy. According to the author, the vision of a western style of development not only failed but also brought great damage to third world countries. In his strong statement, he called it a “nightmare’. The nightmare includes economic crises, poverty and violence.  Even though critics like McKinney (1995) who stated that the author did not mention his definition of development, has seen him as a nightmare.